Easy Canvas Prints


Canvas Prints can start at about $35 so I found a way to make DIY prints for a lot cheaper!

Supplies: Photo prints, Painting canvases, Mod Podge, Tacky Glue, Foam paint brush, X-acto knife or Small scissors

First, get which ever photos you want printed (CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Walmart.. all places  you can go to get prints) I printed one 8×10 and two 5x7s

Buy painting canvases from any local craft store in the same sizes as your prints


1. Put a layer of Mod Podge on the canvas with your foam brush


2. Add a small amount of Tacky Glue around the edges


3. Place print onto canvas and press out with a tissue (beginning from the middle) to get out any wrinkles/bubbles

    IMG_3078     IMG_3079

4. Painting canvases usually are not exactly the size of the prints; use an X-acto knife or small scissors to trim any portion of the print hanging over the side of the canvas


5. Mod Podge a thin layer over top of the print to give it a nice texture


The white tint of the Mod Podge will fade but the texture will stay like this..


6. Hang up and admire! :)



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